European Tomato Waffles
Dear Janet,
You'll really need to help me out. I just moved into a new apartment, and got that job at McDonald's
I've been interviewing for (5th time's the charm!). I thought everything was going great. But then
I walked into the grocery store one day, and...They were all out of beef jerky!
I think I'm going mad over this; lately I've taken to eating raw eggs and dirt, chasing and biting the
mailman, and throwing potatoes at the mirror, then giggling maniacally. Every morning at 2 I wake up
and howl with the neighbor's pomeranian. I stabbed my grandson with a spork when he tried to take
me to the insane aslyum.
----Goin' Jerky Over Jerky

Dear Goin' Jerky Over Jerky,
My darling little pretty, this is a BIG problem. But in my day, when we had problems, all the mommies and
daddies told us, "Sweetie Honey Patookie Pies, to solve a problem you must first ask yourself some
important questions!" So I learned an important lesson. And now, as I set up a dieting plan for my cat named
Schnookums, I advise you to ask yourself the following questions: "What is my favorite color?" "Do eyelashes
grow back?" And "Where do apples come from?"
Good day, and good luck! I believe that, in time, you will realize that the answers to these questions offer a way
out of your dilemma!